Aerial imagery is captured from airborne sensors and cameras.
It provides an accurate photographic representation of the earth’s surface and the features on it. It can be used to visualise landscape, or to understand how an area has evolved over time.
Since 2010, on behalf of participating councils, BOPLASS has worked with various suppliers to develop a programme designed to provide regular updates of imagery for Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Rotorua Lakes Council, Tauranga City Council, Whakatāne District Council, Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Kawerau District Council and Ōpōtiki District Council.
The contracts provide ortho-rectified photography for urban, rural and coastal areas in the Bay of Plenty. Aerial imagery is an important tool for councils in understanding land use, development and topographical changes to assist in planning for the future. The images are also made available to ratepayers and other interested parties, in particular Land Information New Zealand.
BOPLASS Aerial Imagery – Scheduled Capture
Note: The dates and regions of capture, and the extents and specifications are subject to change.